
Missing 14 year old female found safe

Update: This missing 14 year old found safe. Thanks for everyone's help!..LSO
UPDATE time & date: March 17, 2017 at 12:04 A.M.

Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Deputy Gary Mehler is investigating a missing 14-year-old female juvenile case.

The juvenile is described as: Katie Nicole Seals age 14 of Line Creek Road, Lily, white female, 5 foot 7 inches,109 pounds, shoulder length brown colored hair, brown eyes, thin build, fair complexion. Blue jeans with rips on legs,navy blue Keds cloth tennis shoes, and a black hoodie. Last seen off Line Creek Road, approximately 6 miles south of London at 5:30 P.M.Wednesday evening March 15th, 2017.

Her whereabouts is unknown. Anyone with any information regarding this 14-year-old girl is asked to contact the Laurel County Sheriff's office at 606-864-6600 or 606-878-7000. Information will be strictly confidential.

A picture of the missing girl is attached.

Investigation is continuing by Deputy Mehler.


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