
Paul Ray McGeorge

Obituary for Paul Ray McGeorge of Manchester, KY

Paul Ray McGeorge age 63, of Manchester, Ky. passed away February 8th, 2025. He was born on December 20, 1961 in London, Kentucky to the late Herman McGeorge and Virginia Wood. Paul Ray loved his life on the farm.

Ruby Lois Hibbard-Hima, KY:
Ruby Lois Hibbard

Obituary for Ruby Lois Hibbard

Mrs. Ruby Lois Hibbard, age 94 passed away peacefully at her home on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. She was born on Thursday, September 4, 1930 in Hima, Kentucky to the union of Gilbert “Bice” and Thelma Hibbard Gregory.

Patricia Gibson

Obituary for Patricia Gibson

Patricia Gibson was born on February 3, 1957, and passed on February 7, 2025. You were our Mommy, Momma, Granny, Granny Pat, Patti and Patti cake, and we are going to miss you for the rest of our lives.

Timothy Dewayne Jackson

Obituary for Timothy Dewayne Jackson

Timothy Dewayne Jackson, age 40 departed this life on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at the Greg and Noreen Wells Hospice Care Center in Hazard, Kentucky. He was born on Saturday, January 26, 1985 in Lexington, Kentucky to Gary and Connie (Messer) Jackson. He attended the Antepast Baptist Church and worked at the Cookie Factory.

Nancy Pearl Jackson

Obituary for Nancy Pearl Jackson

Nancy Pearl Jackson, age 75 departed this life on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at the Baptist Health Hospital of Lexington, Kentucky. She was born on Sunday, June 5, 1949 in Oneida, Kentucky to Eugene and Marie Dezarn. She worked in the business office of the Manchester Memorial Hospital.

Robert “Bob” Lee Bernard-Obit:
Robert “Bob” Lee Bernard

Obituary for Robert Lee Bernard

Robert “Bob” Lee Bernard age 80, passed away Sunday, January 19, 2025 at his home at Goose Rock, Kentucky. Robert was born in Los Angeles, California on September 30, 1944, the son of the Late Howard Bernard and Irma Jewell Wagers Wooley.

Connie Baker

Obituary for Connie Sue Baker

Connie Baker, age 60, departed her life on Sunday, January 27, 2025 at the University of Kentucky Hospital. She was born on April 5, 1964 in Hyden, Kentucky to the late Mitchell and Mable (Gilbert) Burns.


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