
Statement from Majority Caucus Chairman David Meade on Senate Action to Dismantle Adoption Reforms

FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 30, 2017) – The following is a statement from House Majority Caucus Chairman David Meade on the Senate’s dismantling of landmark legislation, HCR 105, which would have improved the lives of scores of Kentucky’s adopted families and children in the foster care system by forming an adoption task force.

“Following incredible bipartisan support in the House for HCR 105, passing 91-0, I am saddened that certain members of the Senate chose not to take this opportunity for Kentucky’s most vulnerable children. The Senate’s unfortunate action is the direct cause of my decision to withdraw this legislation, which no longer serves its original purpose.”

“Speaker Hoover has committed to continue work in a bipartisan manner on this issue, and will soon appoint a working group to improve the adoption process in Kentucky by streamlining the process, cutting redundant paperwork, and reducing the cost. Adoption is an issue very near and dear to my family, as my daughter is adopted. Every single child in Kentucky deserves the best chance to find a loving home, and I stand by my mission to make that a reality.”


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