Harlan, Ky. - Harlan Post 10 welcomed Captain Ryan Catron of the Emmalena Community of Knott County as the new Post Commander. Capt. Catron is a 15 year veteran of the Kentucky State Police.
Capt. Catron is married to Kayla also from Knott County and they are the proud parents of two children.
Captain Catron previously served at the rank of sergeant and Investigative lieutenant at Harlan Post.
Catron said of the new assignment “I look forward to serving the commonwealth at Post 10. In my previous assignments at Harlan I have had the opportunity to get to know the many communities and good folks of Harlan, Knox and Bell Counties. I consider myself fortunate to be in a position to make a positive difference in our way of life. Harlan has always been like home to me.”