
Statement from Auditor Mike Harmon on PFM’s Pension Report

Auditor Mike Harmon

FRANKFORT, Ky. (August 28, 2017) – “Today’s meeting confirms what I have been saying for years as a legislator, and now as Kentucky’s Auditor of Public Accounts, which is that we can no longer kick the can down the road on addressing the serious issues with funding our public pension systems.

The recommendations made today by PFM are just that, only recommendations.  But they do provide a starting point for discussions on how best to move forward.  It will be up to Governor Bevin, and the leadership in the House and Senate led by Speaker Hoover and Senate President Stivers to develop legislation that will fund the system and honor the inviolable contract with our retired and active state employees.

As a member of the Public Pension Oversight Board, I will remain active in the discussion to encourage policy makers to honor commitments that have been made while providing stability to the pension systems going forward.”


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