FRANKFORT, Ky. – Approximately 46 percent of the 3.4 million Kentuckians registered to vote will turn out for next week's general election, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes projected Thursday.
"Based on historical data and current absentee voting patterns, it appears the turnout in this year's election will be consistent with the last two midterm cycles," said Grimes. "It's not OK, though, for more than half of our voters not to participate, and there's still time to prove my prediction wrong. I'm calling on all Kentucky voters to make a plan to vote next Tuesday."
Grimes tracks absentee ballot totals as an indicator of final turnout on Election Day. According to current statistics, Grimes projects turnout for the Nov. 6 general election will be in the range of the last two midterm election years, 2010 and 2014, when about 49 percent and 46 percent of Kentuckians voted, respectively.
As of Monday, more than 30,000 in-person absentee votes had been recorded in county clerks’ offices and nearly 24,000 mail-in absentee ballots had been sent to voters who had requested them.
About 23 percent of Kentucky voters cast ballots in the May Primary Election.
Grimes encourages voters to prepare to vote on Nov. 6 by checking their polling places and viewing sample ballots through, Kentucky’s one-stop elections portal.