Report contains 25 findings from APA audit of financial statements
FRANKFORT, Ky. – On Wednesday February 6, 2019, Kentucky Auditor Mike Harmon released the first volume of the annual Statewide Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Kentucky (SSWAK) for Fiscal Year 2018.
Kentucky Auditor Mike Harmon
The SSWAK Volume 1 report details 25 findings by Auditor Harmon’s office, and contains recommendations to address audit findings for 10 cabinets and state agencies. Five SSWAK findings were considered material weaknesses, and the other 20 findings were considered significant deficiencies. Of the 25 findings, five are repeat findings from the Fiscal Year 2017 SSWAK Volume 1 audit.
“This year’s SSWAK had a larger number of material findings compared to last year, and the fact that the majority of the findings in the Fiscal Year 2018 audit are new, shows there is much work to do,” said Auditor Harmon. “I urge the leadership of the state agencies and cabinets with findings in our report to follow our recommendations, so that the Commonwealth can provide accountable and transparent government to all Kentuckians.”
The first volume of the SSWAK contains findings from the APA’s audit of the Commonwealth’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA). Among the findings identified in the SSWAK are the following:
“I also want to acknowledge and thank our staff at the Auditor of Public Accounts for their efforts to ensure transparency on behalf of the taxpayers of Kentucky,” said Auditor Harmon. “The completion of the annual SSWAK requires a lot of dedicated work and is essential to ensuring public resources are protected and properly accounted for in state government.”
The report can be found on our website. Volume 2 of the SSWAK, which covers the Commonwealth’s compliance with federal grant requirements, will be released in March.
The Auditor of Public Accounts ensures that public resources are protected, accurately valued, properly accounted for, and effectively employed to raise the quality of life of Kentuckians.
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