
McConnell Applauds President Trump's Announcement on the Death of al-Baghdadi

'This victory for the U.S. and our many counterterrorism partners is a significant step for the campaign against ISIS, for the future of the Middle East, and for the safety of the American people and free people around the world.'

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

LOUISVILLE, KY. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement following the announcement of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's death:

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 2004 Mugshot

"I applaud President Trump's announcement that U.S. special forces have eliminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The world's most wanted man has been brought to justice. The world is a safer place today.

"This victory for the U.S. and our many counterterrorism partners is a significant step for the campaign against ISIS, for the future of the Middle East, and for the safety of the American people and free people around the world.

"A victory like this is only possible because of the expertise, skill, and courage of those who work to keep the United States safe. I am grateful for the intelligence professionals who laid the groundwork for this raid, for the brave American servicemembers who risked everything to carry it out, and to President Trump and his team for their leadership.

"While we welcome the fact that al-Baghdadi has been brought to justice, we know we cannot underestimate the resilience of terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda. The important counterterrorism work of the United States, our international coalition partners, and local forces will not end with this significant victory. To the contrary, history shows us how vital it is to keep building on this victory and continue our work to set the conditions for the enduring defeat of ISIS, al Qaeda, and other terrorists in Syria, in Afghanistan, and around the world."

LEFT: Photo - Mugshot of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi taken by US armed forces while in detention at Camp Bucca in the vicinity of Umm Qasr, Iraq, in 2004.



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