
ClayCoNews Editorial Staff Endorses Governor Matt Bevin - WHY??

ClayCoNews Editorial Staff Endorsement / Governor Matt Bevin: Moving Kentucky Forward 

Governor Matt Bevin 290

Manchester, Kentucky (November 2, 2019) -  Can you imagine Kentucky becoming a business-friendly, work-ready Commonwealth that creates an environment for 57,000 new jobs, that reduces income tax rates on working families, that promotes a Pro-Life, Pro-Family, and Pro Second Amendment culture? Well, just open your eyes and you will certainly gain a clear focus upon Matt Bevin's tenure as Governor and his moving Kentucky Forward.

Governor Bevin has worked collectively with the legislature to promote and enact laws that serve Kentucky families well with historic, record setting SEEK funding per pupil that allows local schools to support instructional programs, he has enacted legislation that provided funding for students and adults to obtain post secondary education and workforce credentials with the Kentucky Dual Credit Scholarship (KDCS) and the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship (WRKS) programs. He has assured that 100% of lottery proceeds be dedicated to education funding as was intended. He supports school-choice programs for students and parents to have options in schooling their families.

The Governor has worked to support families with a Adoption-friendly legislation and has pushed a Pro-Life agenda to support the unborn and their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, all pillars of the American Dream. Governor Bevin has reduced income tax rates for individuals and businesses to keep more of their earned income to spend, save, or invest in their children, families and enterprises.

Governor Bevin supports Kentucky energy production and stands with all energy producers to promote a comprehensive, environmentally sustainable energy industry that employs hard-working Kentuckians all across the Commonwealth.

The Governor supports healthcare innovation, personal responsibility, and being a good steward of tax payer funds when it comes to Medicaid expansion that integrates a work requirement for able bodied adults while ensuring coverage for as many children, expectant mothers, and disabled adults and seniors as possible.

Governor Bevin signed laws like Right to Work and Paycheck Protection which helped make Kentucky much more attractive to job creators which resulted in over $18 billion in new investments in our state that created 57,000 jobs across the Commonwealth.

The Governor promised to address the pension funding crisis and is the only Kentucky Governor to fully fund the Actuarial Required Contribution (ARC) to preserve and protect the state retirement system for state employees, teachers, and other diverse participants in the CERS, KERS and the KTRS. This was achieved in some manner with the cutting of over 500 burdensome regulations and cutting the size of state government by 10% which made it more efficient and responsive. He has cut hundreds of millions of dollars in wasteful spending allowing precious, tax revenue to be invested in beneficial and important programs to serve Kentuckians.

Now that you have accurate information within your plain view you are FREE to vote your conscience!
Help Move Kentucky Forward and Support Governor Matt Bevin for Re-Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.


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