

Ode to Christmas Spirit by Dr. James M. Davis

Santa Mike

Ode to Christmas Spirit
by Dr. James M. Davis

Twas' the days before Christmas, Everyone awake throughout the house, Momma busy cooking everything but the mouse, Kids are running around screaming, begging for food, Dad sitting in his easy chair, being a cool dude,

Santa Mike 191

Music playing on the smart phones,
Dogs wishing for juicy ham bones,
College sports playing on the big screen,
NFL players being unpatriotic and mean,

Gifts, cards, and best wishes for others,
Many cherished friends, sisters, and brothers,
All gathered round the table to give thanks,
Few stores remain open, not even the banks,

Offering prayers to the Lord and savior,
Everyone being on their best behavior,
Ma and Pa waiting, ready to say grace,
Grand babies smiling with angelic face,

Christmas lights beaming, shining bright,
Santa making deliveries this very night,
Reindeer chomping at the bit, ready to fly,
The Sleigh full, toys stacked up high,

Cousins and kin from near and far,
Tis those family memories that set the bar,
We love each friendship thats for sure
Our childhood memories mostly innocent and pure,

Jesus is the reason for the season,
His birth being celebrated by the Kings,
Angels rejoice and spread their wings,
The stars shine in the sky with no compare,
The spirit of Life filled with Hope, no despair,

Churches, shelters, and soup kitchens helpinig their fellow man,
Pews full of people sharing and giving, tis God's plan,
The Faithful listening, pastors sharing the written Word,
Angels of peace, Doves being the chosen bird,

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines,
Each sacrifice their service for you and me,
The Men and Women wearing the Blue,
Serve and Protect, me and you,

They serve with valor, in the defense of home,
Proudly saluting the flag wherever they roam,
Remembrance of loved ones, gone but never forgotten,
Their hugs and praises made us feel spoiled and rotten,

Merry Christmas to all, and to all best wishes,
Hold your loved one, give them some kisses,
Santa is coming soon, so hold onto your dreams,
For naughty be forgiven, and nice be rewarded,

Oh come all ye Faithful, sing onto the Lord
For He knows your heart and defends you with sword,
Peace on earth and goodwill toward fellow man,
You truly are a part of God's heavenly plan!


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