

FIREWORKS CELEBRATION: Red, White & Boom is THIS Saturday in London, Kentucky

Fireworks London 2020

Fireworks London KY 2020

LONDON, KY (June 29, 2020) - The London Police Department is reporting that: Heads up! Red, White & Boom is THIS Saturday! With Independence Day celebrations on the horizon, brush up on London's fireworks sale and use ordinance:

Fireworks may ONLY be fired/set off/shot/discharged/exploded from June 20-July 6 from 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. on private property, unless otherwise permitted.

You may not explode/ignite fireworks within 600 ft. of any church, hospital, or public school or within 200 ft. of where they are stored/sold/offered for sale. You must apply for a city permit within 10 days before hosting a public display of fireworks in accordance with the rules and regulations by the State Fire Marshal.

Within city limits, fireworks may not be manufactured and fireworks only permissible in Kentucky are allowed to be sold with a city permit from June 20-July 6 only on lots zoned for retail.

Fireworks may not be sold from a vehicle and fireworks may not be in any area with direct sunlight, sold near flammables or within 10 ft. of lighted cigars/cigarettes/pipes. Signage must be posted with 4" letters, or larger reading, "Fireworks. No Smoking".

Children under 10 or anyone intoxicated may not purchase fireworks.

If the ordinance is violated and there is reason to believe there is a serious threat to public health, safety, and welfare - the City of London will take immediate action.


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