

Senator McConnell Announces Kentucky Awarded More than $35 Million to Combat Substance Abuse Epidemic

Also announced: Kentucky organizations to receive $1.75 million in federal grants to help keep drugs away from children

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced Friday that Kentucky will receive $35,483,406 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of the State Opioid Response Grants Program. Senator McConnell ensured 15 percent of the program’s funding is dedicated to the hardest hit states, like Kentucky.

To date, Senator McConnell has helped deliver more than $275 million for Kentucky’s’ comprehensive response to the opioid and substance abuse crisis.

In last year’s appropriations bill, Congress approved $3.8 billion to continue combating this pressing crisis, which included $1.5 billion for the State Opioid Response Grant Program. This year, Senator McConnell ensured new flexibility is provided to states to use these funds to combat the increasing level of stimulant use, like meth and cocaine.

“The scourge of substance abuse hasn’t taken a break during this pandemic. Neither can our comprehensive response. President Trump and his administration continue attacking this crisis from all angles, and I’ve been proud to partner with them as we deliver record levels of federal funding for this life-saving work. With the additional $35 million Kentucky received from the Trump administration, we can renew our efforts to help those in need toward long-term recovery,” said Senator McConnell. “Like many Kentuckians, I’ve heard heartbreaking stories of pain and loss due to substance use disorders. But I have also heard inspirational stories of hope. I’ll continue working to invest in Kentucky’s recovery efforts to support the men and women saving lives from substance abuse.”  

Also on Friday, Senator McConnell announced HHS awarded $1.75 million in federal grants to Kentucky from its Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program. Senator McConnell is proud to support this initiative that provides funding to local communities to create educational programs and raise awareness about the dangers of substance abuse. Last year, Senator McConnell, a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, helped secure $101 million for the DFC program in a Senate Appropriations bill.

“The best way to fight addiction is to prevent it before a life can be thrown into danger. I’m proud of the Drug-Free Communities program in Kentucky, and I applaud the local leaders for taking advantage of these federal funds,” said Senator McConnell. “As Senate Majority Leader, I continue bringing national focus to Kentucky’s response to the opioid and substance abuse crisis. Together, we’ll continue stepping up our efforts to support those suffering from this disease and to educate our young people about the heartbreaking dangers of drugs.”

The following Kentucky organizations received $125,000 each for their work to educate and raise awareness about the dangers of substance abuse in their communities:

  • Trimble County Board of Education
  • Pendleton County Board of Education
  • Grant County Schools
  • WestCare Kentucky, Inc.
  • Bullitt County Board of Education
  • The Save Our Kids Coalition, Inc.
  • Scottsville Allen County Faith Coalition, Inc.
  • Gallatin County Board of Education
  • Lyon County School District
  • Hope’s Hands, Inc.
  • Webster County Board of Education
  • Scott Countians Against Drugs, Inc.
  • Madison County Health Department-Nancy Crewe
  • Wolfe County Fiscal Court



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