

McConnell Announces Senate Will Vote on Targeted COVID-19 Relief

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement Tuesday morning regarding a Senate vote on further coronavirus relief:

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“Senate Republicans have been trying for months to deliver more bipartisan relief to the American people.

“In July, we proposed another sweeping package totaling more than $1 trillion. Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer said no. In August, we proposed narrowing discussions to the most urgent and bipartisan subjects. They blocked that too.

“Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer said a targeted deal on jobless benefits and the Paycheck Protection Program would be ‘piecemeal,’ but then Speaker Pelosi came rushing back to pass the most piecemeal bill imaginable: Postal Service legislation that completely ignored the health, economic, and education crises facing families.

“Everything Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer have done suggests one simple motivation: They do not want American families to see any more bipartisan aid before the polls close on President Trump’s re-election. They have taken Americans’ health, jobs, and schools hostage for perceived partisan gain.

“Today, the Senate Republican majority is introducing a new targeted proposal, focused on some of the very most urgent healthcare, education, and economic issues. It does not contain every idea our party likes. I am confident Democrats will feel the same. Yet Republicans believe the many serious differences between our two parties should not stand in the way of agreeing where we can agree and making law that helps our nation.

“I will be moving immediately today to set up a floor vote as soon as this week.

“Last month, more than 100 House Democrats publicly asked Speaker Pelosi to stop stonewalling and let them vote on targeted COVID-19 relief. She ignored them, just like her piecemeal postal legislation ignored American families. I will make sure every Senate Democrat who has said they’d like to reach an agreement gets the opportunity to walk the walk.

“Working families must not suffer more than necessary because Democrat leaders think citizens’ pain may help their political fortunes. Congress can, should, and must do more to help. The Senate will vote and the American people will be watching.” 



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