

McConnell Praises NDAA and Historic COVID-19 Relief That is Coming Online

‘So we just enacted another historic $900 billion rescue package to get vaccines distributed, to keep small businesses alive, and to get a whole lot more targeted support to struggling people who need help… Here’s what the Senate is focused on: Completing the annual defense legislation that looks after our brave men and women who volunteer to wear the uniform.’

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks New Years Day on the Senate floor regarding NDAA and COVID-19 relief:

“First, I want to wish all my fellow Senators and our staff colleagues here in the Capitol a happy and healthy New Year.

“In particular, I’d like to extend our gratitude to the Capitol Police, the offices of the Secretary of the Senate and the Sergeant at Arms, and the many other staff who have gone above and beyond to help us attend to important business this holiday season.

“Today, by the grace of God, the genius of science, and the resilience of the American people, we appear to have a bright 2021 on the horizon.

“Our great nation is poised to defeat this pandemic in the months ahead, through safe and effective vaccines.

“The pace of the American people’s economic recovery has already beaten predictions. Thanks to the ingenuity of our citizens and historic relief policies from Congress, overall personal income in our country is already higher now than they were prior to the pandemic.

“Now, the country needs more support and the significant remaining pain is not evenly distributed. Far from it.

“So we just enacted another historic $900 billion rescue package to get vaccines distributed, to keep small businesses alive, and to get a whole lot more targeted support to struggling people who need help. From multiple kinds of extra federal unemployment benefits… to nutrition assistance… rental assistance… direct cash… and beyond.

“This latest, huge, historic package was just signed into law less than one week ago. It is beginning to take effect right now. Many households have already received the latest round of direct cash, or will receive it soon, to help them turn the page into this new year.

“And while this huge new aid package takes effect, a bipartisan commonsense caucus in both chambers is not keen to let Speaker Pelosi and Senator Sanders rush to borrow another half-a-trillion dollars for universal cash giveaways, regardless of need.

“A huge chunk would essentially be socialism for rich people — money flowing to households earning well into six figures who did not lose any jobs or income last year.

“The House Democrats’ bill is just simply not the right approach.

“That’s what editorial pages across the political spectrum say. That’s what even liberal economists say. And that’s what common sense tells us.


“Here’s what the Senate is focused on: Completing the annual defense legislation that looks after our brave men and women who volunteer to wear the uniform.

“We have passed this legislation 59 years in a row, and one way or another, we are going to complete the 60th annual NDAA and pass it into law before this Congress concludes on Sunday.

“It’s a serious responsibility.

“But it’s also a tremendous opportunity: to direct our national security priorities to reflect the resolve of the American people and the evolving threats to their safety, at home and abroad.

“It’s our chance to recommit to research and development, so that our 21st-century military is equipped to outmatch any adversary.

“It’s our chance to ensure we keep pace with competitors like Russia and China.

“It’s our chance to remind brave servicemembers and their families that we have their backs -- with facilities, resources, and support befitting the finest fighting forces in the world.

“Over the past year, our colleagues on the Armed Services Committee have made sure that the legislation delivers for our troops and our nation. Now it’s time to deliver this bill.”



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