

Two Additional K-9 Teams Available in Southeast Kentucky through the Laurel County Sheriff's Office

ClayCoNews - Two Additional K-9 Teams Available in Southeast Kentucky through the Laurel County Sheriff's Office - Cindy Cobb - K-9 "Chaos” - John Root - Michelle Day - K-9 "Dakota"

L to R: Cindy Cobb with her K-9 "Chaos”, Laurel County Sheriff John Root and Michelle Day with her K-9 "Dakota"

LONDON, KY - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: The Laurel County Sheriff's Office now has access to two additional K-9 teams bringing to a total of four K-9 teams available through the Laurel County Sheriff's Office.

The two teams already permanently assigned to the Laurel County Sheriff's office are:

  • K-9/shift Sgt. Gary Mehler and his K-9 "Edge"
  • K-9 Deputy Jake Miller and his K-9 "Maverick”

Beginning immediately the Laurel County Sheriff's Office has access to two additional teams provided by Free Spirit Working K-9s, a Laurel County Kennel owned by David and Cindy Cobb.

The two new teams are:

  • Special Deputy Cindy Cobb and her German shepherd K-9 "Chaos” who is a certified narcotics dog certified by the National Narcotics Detector Dog Association (NNDDA)
  • Special Deputy Michelle Day and her German shepherd K-9 "Dakota” who is a cadaver dog

These two new K-9 teams will be available to assist the Laurel County Sheriff's Office with their investigations in conjunction with the two teams already assigned to the Sheriff's Office.

john root official 120

In addition, the new K-9s will be available to any first responder agency needing a narcotic detector dog or a cadaver dog.

Laurel County Sheriff John Root (left) stated that these two new K-9 teams will be a vital part of the Sheriff's Office and are a valuable asset to the citizens of Laurel County.

They will respond to calls for service and are specialized teams whose specific skills will be a critical asset to the Laurel County Sheriff's Office.



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