


 Randy Bridges Kim Banta 600

Representatives Randy Bridges and Kim Banta

LOUISVILLE, KY – The Commonwealth Alliance for Housing Solutions (CAHS) officially launched on Friday July 23, 2021 at Towne Creek Crossing in Northern Kentucky. Representatives Randy Bridges and Kim Banta joined the group to call for passage of workforce housing tax credit legislation during the 2022 session of the Kentucky General Assembly.

Housing Solutions logo 200“Kentucky needs to take a hard look at establishing workforce housing tax credits to help thousands of individuals and families across our commonwealth,” noted Representative Bridges. “We know that housing solutions are needed for members of our workforce, first responders, veterans, retirees, children, and others. I am excited to support these efforts and encourage my fellow legislators to as well,” added Representative Banta.

During the press conference, Tiffany Marthaler from CAHS noted that prior to COVID-19, Kentucky was short 75,000 units for affordable housing.

Jackie Napier, a resident of Towne Creek Crossing also spoke during the press conference, noting her enthusiasm about the goals of CAHS. “There are a lot of people throughout the state – a lot of hard-working people and retired people too – who need options like this,” she said. “I hope more individuals like me will have an opportunity to live in a place like Towne Creek Crossing in the near future.”

With the construction of 6,559 new affordable housing units, models predict $178.7 million in tax revenues for state and local governments and the creation of 3,539 jobs each year of the program.

“The housing crisis has only worsened with the financial havoc wreaked by the pandemic and the rising construction and housing costs,” Marthaler shared. “As part of the solution, CAHS is advocating for a workforce housing tax credit, which has proven successful in other states and could nearly double the number of units produced per year.”

CAHS and its supporters believe that affordable housing tax credit legislation will help Kentucky families afford adequate housing, help stimulate the economy, and help solve the affordable housing crisis in the state.



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