
Sherry Baker

Letter to ClayCoNews and Concerned Citizens

By: Sherry L Baker

I am the President of the Three Forks of the Kentucky River Historical Association.
Our primary mission is the preservation of history of the counties in our area which includes Clay County.

After finding out the current organization there was not doing anything we decided to try and help I personally talked with certain County Officials in the Fiscal Court before the meeting forwarding the petition to the State of Kentucky actually happened. All I can say about that conversation is that I was lied to and actually in my opinion was the attempt to make a fool of me. This is beyond me or anyone else that has a Historic interest in current Cemeteries or structures in the Three Forks Area I have been doing research on this history for over 20 years. This is of course in reference to the Hoskins Cemetery.

As Mr. Price wrote the prior article I concur with him 100% this is setting a precedence for the future not just cemeteries but any historic structures that stand in the way of what some consider progress.

The fact is that a lot of Clay County is in fact the Daniel Boone National Forest this make it a Federal matter. We will in fact do everything legally in our power to hopefully make sure this does not happen

I would hope that people in Clay County wake up to the fact that our History is all about our future and defines who we in fact are.

Thank you,

Sherry L Baker
Founder of the Owsley County Historical Society
Current President of the Three Forks of the Kentucky River Historical Association Inc.


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