

Police locate and arrest Mother after responding to Call reporting a Small Boy alone, naked and covered with Feces

BARBOURVILLE, KY - The Knox County, Sheriff's Department is reporting that on Thursday afternoon December 9, 2021, at approximately 1:00 P.M., Knox County Sgt. Carl Frith received a call from an individual in Gray, KY stating that a small boy was in their yard, alone, naked, and covered with feces.

Upon arrival, Sgt. Frith went through the neighborhood searching for the parents of the 3-year-old child.

The sergeant was able to locate the boy's house on Orleans Court.

The mother of the child, 37-year-old Holly Francioni didn't know the boy was missing from the time he had left the home until Sgt. Frith located her residence 200 yards from where he was discovered.

Child protective services were contacted and a family member took custody of the child.

Holly Francioni was arrested and charged with:

  • Endangering the welfare of a minor
  • Served a summons for failure to appear
  • Served a warrant for unlawful transaction with a minor

This individual was lodged in the Knox County Detention Center.

Photo of the accused is courtesy of the Knox County Detention Center.


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