

Congressman Rogers Urges Full Reopening of Capitol Building

Hal Rogers Official 350

Congressman Hal Rogers

WASHINGTON, DC (February 22, 2022) - U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) and his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives say it's time to fully reopen the U.S. Capitol Building.

Dozens of House Members recently signed a joint letter requesting the House Sergeant At Arms reopen the House side of the Capitol to the public, which has been closed to visitors since March 12, 2020.

"With major sporting and entertainment gatherings occurring regularly around the country and companies across the nation reopening for business, now is the time to reopen the People's House," the letter stated.

The Senate side of the Capitol has already reopened to the public and the Attending Physician confirmed that identical guidance has been provided to both the House and Senate Sergeants At Arms.

"The Attending Physician's most recent February 4, 2022 guidance notes that, 'Breakthrough infections among Members and staff have not led to hospitalizations, serious complications, or death,'" Members shared in the letter.

Washington, D.C.'s mask mandate is scheduled to end on March 1, 2022, while the vaccine mandate ended on February 15th.

The letter also cites new data demostrating that lockdowns have had "little to no public health effects" and requests House offices be allowed to resume public tours on the House side of the Capitol.

"Congress is accountable to the American people, and the American people have a Constitutional right to be heard, to see their democracy in action, and to petition their leaders for redress of grievances. Unfortunately, Congress has lagged far behind the rest of America in reopening. Now more than ever, we must be proactive in building public trust and getting back to work," the letter stated.

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work on Capitol Hill and in Kentucky, visit or follow him on social media


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