

Kentucky Attorney General Cameron Asks Court for Temporary Restraining Order Against Biden Administration for Circumventing Immigration Policy Ahead of Deadline

FRANKFORT, KY – Attorney General Daniel Cameron has asked a U.S. District Court for a Temporary Restraining Order to stop the Biden Administration from circumventing an immigration policy known as Title 42. 

The policy was implemented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Trump Administration.  It allows the near-immediate removal of illegal immigrants and helps curb the spread of COVID-19 into the United States.

"The President is determined to end the Title 42 policy early while at the same time fighting vigorously in court to extend the amount of time that Americans are required to wear masks on airplanes," said Attorney General Cameron.  "Ending Title 42 will only exacerbate the immigration crisis at our Southern border and place additional strain on states across the country, and we will continue to fight to have the policy remain in effect."

The CDC's revocation of Title 42 was planned by Biden for May 23rd. However, news reports and information from Border Patrol sources indicate that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its sub-agencies are no longer utilizing Title 42 with illegal immigrants from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Attorney General Cameron has already filed a lawsuit arguing that the revocation of Title 42 is unlawful because the Biden Administration violated the Administrative Procedures Act.  Now, DHS is circumventing the policy altogether, effectively revoking it more than a month ahead of time.

The brief calls on the court to issue a Temporary Restraining Order and to require DHS to provide proof that it has been enforcing Title 42 as required by law. The Temporary Restraining Order would force DHS and its sub-agencies to continue to implement Title 42 fully until the May 23rd revocation date.

Attorney General Cameron is joined by the attorneys general of Arizona, Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

View a copy of the filing here



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