

Office of Auditor of Public Accounts Announces Special Examination of Kentucky State University

Examination will review KSU’s operations from June 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021


FRANKFORT, KY (May 2, 2022) – Today, the Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts (APA) announced they will conduct a special examination of Kentucky State University (KSU). The university was notified in a letter sent to KSU Acting President Clara Stamps by Farrah Petter, Assistant State Auditor.

In the letter sent on April 28, Assistant State Auditor Petter stated the APA “…will open an engagement to conduct a special examination to review the governance and certain financial activity of Kentucky State University (KSU). The examination will focus on the time period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. At its discretion, the APA may expand the subject areas or scope of this examination to address high risk areas identified during our work.” The letter goes on to state that APA will issue a report upon completion of the office’s work, describing any weaknesses or deficiencies identified, and will offer recommendations to KSU to strengthen their governance and financial controls. There is no set date on when APA’s work will be completed.

The Kentucky General Assembly appropriated $200,000 in the biennial budget passed in the 2022 Regular Session for APA to conduct their examination of KSU. You can read the full letter here.



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