

Multiple Agencies Participate in Sex Offender Compliance Operation in Carroll County, Tennessee

Operation Walter Browning TBI 700

HUNTINGDON, TN – The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) is reporting that a sex offender registry compliance operation in Carroll County, conducted with the assistance of TBI, the United States Marshals Service, and 24th Judicial Drug Task Force, concluded this week.

The two-day multi-agency saturation operation, dubbed Operation Walter Browning was conducted on February 21 and 22, by the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, Hollow Rock Police Department, Huntingdon Police Department, Bruceton Police Department, and McKenzie Police Department, in coordination with US Marshals, members of the 24th DTF, and TBI intelligence analysts.

The operation involved compliance checks for 47 registered sex offenders.  Law enforcement teams made contact with 39 of those registered offenders.  Of those where contact was made, 38 were found to be in compliance.  The non-compliant offender was found to have failed to register a vehicle.

Sex offender registry compliance check operations such as this one have been conducted periodically in various counties across Tennessee, involving the US Marshals Service and TBI, with the assistance of local law enforcement agencies.

Photo from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.


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