
Dr. Aaron Thompson, right, received the Wendell Thomas Award from Dr. Michelle Jones, nomination/award coordinator for KABHE, left, during the organization's recent annual conference.

CPE President Dr. Aaron Thompson Recipient of Wendell Thomas Award from Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education

FRANKFORT, KY -- Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) president Dr. Aaron Thompson recently received the Wendell Thomas Award from the Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education (KABHE) at their recent annual conference.

The award, named for Black education advocate Wendell Thomas, is presented by the KABHE executive board in recognition of a person’s endeavors to promote the cause of African Americans in higher education and for a commitment to promoting equal opportunity.

“It’s an honor to receive this award from the KABHE,” Dr. Thompson said. “As I’ve often said, every Kentuckian deserves access to the great equalizer – higher education – in order to live a more prosperous, healthy life and to strengthen our workforce. To receive this award, named for a great man who once served on the Council’s Committee on Equal Opportunities, is affirming of both my work and passion to make education accessible to every student.”


The Council on Postsecondary Education is leading transformation in our workforce, economy and quality of life by advancing progress in educational attainment across Kentucky. As the state’s higher education coordinating agency, we champion high-quality, inclusive and affordable postsecondary opportunities that prepare students for civic engagement and sustainable careers. That’s why we are undertaking the 60x30 goal, an ambitious effort to raise the percentage of working-age Kentuckians with a postsecondary degree or certificate to 60% by the year 2030. At CPE, we believe that higher education matters – for everyone.


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