
Kentucky State Treasurer Mark H. Metcalf (

Kentucky Treasurer Mark H. Metcalf Releases Statement on President Trump’s Conviction

LANCASTER, KY — Friday, Kentucky State Treasurer Mark H. Metcalf released the following statement in response to the conviction of President Donald J. Trump.

“The conviction of President Trump disgraced America. The indictment, trial, and verdict ignored basic rules of due process and equal protection, which are the beating heart of our justice system.

A George Soros-sponsored New York District Attorney and a conflicted judge perpetrated a fraud upon the jury and the American public with impunity.

I confidently await the true and lasting verdict of American voters, who have suffered under the raging inflation, unsecured borders, and influence-peddling scandals of Joe Biden.

Their judgment will send a clear and resounding acquittal of Donald Trump.

I stand firmly behind President Trump and will continue to fight for the values and vision of national greatness that he represents.

I also urge patience, trusting that a court and prosecution which failed our Nation will be corrected by the impartial appellate review of a judgment wracked by grave constitutional errors.”



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