
Laurel Sheriff John Root (Laurel County Sheriff's Office)


LONDON, KY - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: In the past two weeks in Laurel County six (6) separate traffic crashes resulting in a fatality have occurred.

While we understand that during the summer months with pretty, sunny days we can expect a lot more traffic on the roadways both day and night. However, we are deeply concerned about the recent sharp increase in severe traffic crashes, many resulting in a death.

I would like to assure everyone that the safety of our citizens traveling roadways in Laurel County is a priority at your Sheriff's office. My deputies and I will continue to emphasize safe driving practices and will have a watchful eye for violations that contribute to traffic crashes including:

  • DUI
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Seat belt usage
  • Distracted driving

We will provide extra patrols in problem areas of the county including the most recent areas where traffic fatalities have occurred.

We would like to offer the following suggestions to our motorists traveling on Laurel County roads.

We suggest that motorists utilize the following safety tips:

  • Drive the speed limit
  • Obey all by the rules of the road including stopping at stop signs
  • Slowing down at traffic lights so you can stop if the light changes red
  • Do not operate a motor vehicle impaired
  • Always buckle your seat belt and make sure all passengers are buckled up
  • And most importantly be a good defensive driver—— always, always watch out for the other drivers on the roadway— they do unexpected things when you least expect it— be aware of your surroundings and focus all your attention on driving.

Driving is probably the most dangerous thing that all of us do every single day!

Together we can make a difference and reduce traffic crashes and traffic fatalities in Laurel County.


Sheriff John Root


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