
Secretary of State Michael Adams


Secretary of State Urges Kentucky Democrats to Protect Celebrated Bipartisan Legislation

FRANKFORT, KY – Secretary of State Michael Adams is urging Governor Andy Beshear and Kentucky Democrats to join him in admonishing Congress not to overturn Kentucky’s nationally celebrated election reform law.

“I was honored to stand with the Governor when he signed into law Kentucky’s most significant election reform since 1891; now I’m asking him and other Democrats to stand with me in defending our major bipartisan accomplishment from attack by Democrats in Congress.”

Kentucky’s House Bill 574, passed by near-unanimous margins in both General Assembly chambers, set a shining example of good-faith, two-party cooperation in improving both voter access and election security. Unfortunately, the “Freedom to Vote Act,” to be debated on the U.S. Senate floor on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, would permit a federal takeover of the election system, and undo key portions of Kentucky’s recent election reform. Earlier this year, Adams testified before Congress against similar legislation.

“The Biden/Pelosi/Schumer election bill would weaken or repeal outright the reforms Kentucky legislators voted for, and undo one of Governor Beshear’s few bipartisan achievements,” Adams said. “As both parties came together to enact this major reform, now both parties must come together to defend it from the far left in Washington.”

The Governor, and representatives of the Democratic Party and the NAACP, defended Kentucky’s election process from out-of-state interference in the past. All denied false claims of voter suppression by Kentucky during the June 2020 primary, and they were proved right when the election set a record for voter turnout.

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