MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OR – Oregon State Police report that on Friday, February 28, 2025, Multnomah County police agencies partnered to honor two Multnomah County Sheriff's Office reserve deputies killed in the line of duty 32 years ago.
Law enforcement officers from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, Gresham Police Department, Portland Police Bureau, and the Oregon State Police partnered Friday night to enforce impaired driving and fatal-5 driving behaviors, which include speed, occupant safety, lane departure, impaired driving, and distracted driving.
On February 26, 1993, MCSO Reserve Sergeant Scott Collins and Reserve Deputy Mark Whitehead were driving on Interstate 84 when their patrol car was struck head-on by an impaired driver. The driver and both deputies died at the scene. In 2014, a roadside memorial was installed along the eastbound lanes of I-84 near the Fairview Parkway exit where the collision occurred.
Friday night mission briefing (Oregon State Police)
Family members of both deputies attended the Friday night mission briefing and expressed gratitude that their loved ones' sacrifices were not forgotten. Matthew Whitehead, the brother of Deputy Mark Whitehead, said, "The fact they want to do it — they remembered the ultimate sacrifice they gave serving their community."
Dawn Collins, sister of Sgt. Scott Collins, said of the saturation patrol, "This saves lives. It saves not only the life of the person they might have hit, but it saves their life too."
MCSO Sgt. Marc Hevern said, "It's always nice to work with partner agencies. We can have more impact with more officers out there patrolling." As a Multnomah County Reserve Deputy in 1997, Hevern recalled the continued impact of the loss on the department saying, "To this day, the sheriff's office is committed to enforcing driving while intoxicated."
Trooper Angus Orazio reiterated OSP's commitment to enforcement action on driving behaviors that increase the likelihood of serious injury and fatal crashes including impaired driving. He said, "Endangering yourself and others should never be an option when getting behind the wheel. Any type of impairment should always be taken out of the equation."
Preliminary stats from Multnomah County, Portland Police Bureau, and OSP show approximately 190 traffic stops between the three agencies with eight DUII arrests. Near the end of the mission's operational period, officers responded to a fatal crash in Fairview. MCSO later attributed the cause to impaired driving. Participating agencies reported additional arrests for warrants, possession of a controlled substance, and a recovered stolen vehicle. Statistics are still being compiled by each agency and final results will be available by the end of the week.
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