
Letter to ClayCoNews Editor

{jcomments on}Robert L. Mason - Author - Not Without Blood


From:  Robert L. Mason


I read with great interest the Bob Lambert article concerning U. S. Senator Rand Paul's appearance in Manchester.  I confess that I too am favorably impressed by the style of Sen. Paul while I remain uncertain as to his substance.

As a combat-veteran of the Vietnam War,  I  know that our failure to examine the substance of our leaders and their policies is what left the names of tens of thousands of my brothers etched on a granite wall.

Until this very day, Republican leadership in Washington strive to lay at the feet of President Obama, the tragic death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his colleagues.  Yet, the same Republican leadership and some Democrats had strenuously urged the President to do even more to destabilize the government of Libya and overthrow the Libyan  government.  We set that house on fire and sent our children back inside to play.  Is it any wonder that some of them got burned?

My question to Senator Paul is one of foreign policy:  Would the senator agree that everyone who urged, aided or abetted the destabilization of Libya, bears partial responsibility for the death of our countrymen?



Robert L. Mason


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