
New Child Victims' Trust Fund Website

Attorney General Jack Conway has unveiled a newly designed website created for the Child Victims’ Trust Fund (CVTF).

The updated and user-friendly, website gives Kentuckians better access to information about the CVTF’s child sexual abuse prevention initiatives and the resources that are available to them. The website also allows Kentuckians to donate to the fund.

“Statistics show that 1 in 10 children in the United States will be sexually abused before they turn 18,” General Conway said. “The effects of this abuse are devastating on a child and can last a lifetime. By increasing awareness about the CVTF and its importance through, we can better educate Kentuckians and continue funding the necessary programs that serve kids across our Commonwealth.”

The CVTF has provided funding to regional and statewide child sexual abuse prevention programs since 1985. These programs provide children with personal safety skills, teach adults how to keep kids safe from sexual abuse and exploitation, and educate the public on how to report suspected child abuse, which Kentucky law requires. The CVTF also helps pay for child sexual abuse medical exams at children’s advocacy centers across the state. The fund is administered by the Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention (CSAEP) Board, which Attorney General Conway chairs.

“Last year alone, the CVTF provided more than $200,000 to grantees to address both child sexual abuse and human trafficking issues,” said Dr. Ginger Crumbo, a licensed child psychologist and CSAEP Board member. “We are thrilled to launch this user-friendly website, which provides critical resources and information about our vital statewide abuse prevention programs.”

In addition to the CVTF website unveiling, Attorney General Conway announced today that a public service announcement encouraging Kentuckians to support the CVTF through the Kentucky Income Tax Refund Check-Off campaign will begin airing this week on radio and TV stations across the Commonwealth. Located in the “Fund Contributions” section of the Kentucky income tax form, the tax refund check-off allows Kentuckians to make a tax-deductible donation to the fund.

“I hope you will join me in checking off the box to donate a portion of your tax refund to the CVTF,” General Conway said. “Your contribution goes a long way to help support evidence-based programs that fight child abuse in Kentucky and protect our most vulnerable children.”

Along with the Kentucky Income Tax Refund Check-Off and now online donations, CVTF prevention activities and child advocacy programs are funded through private donations and proceeds from the “I Care About Kids” license plates. For more information on the CSAEP Board and CVTF, visit

The Kentucky Tax Refund Check-Off campaign PSA is available here:

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