
"Face to Face" Q. & A. Forum - Candidates for Sheriff and County Judge Executive scheduled

Manchester, Ky. - Two public ClayCoNews "Face to Face" question and answer forum/debate sessions are scheduled for Wednesday May 14, 2014 with the first one beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the Community Room above the Clay County Library in downtown Manchester.

Pictured in the order of their ballot position are the candidates for Clay County Sheriff:
L. to R. - Larry"Red" Smith, former Deputy Sheriff Clarence"Thundercloud" Sizemore, Wendell Keen and
current Clay County Sheriff Kevin Johnson

Pictured in the order of their ballot position are the candidates for Clay County Judge Executive:
L. to R. - Mark Jackson, Steve Mobley, current Clay County Judge Exe. Joe Asher, Clay Russell White (no photo available),
Tommy Harmon and Kevin Jackson (no photo available)

This will be the last in a planned series of "Face to Face" forums moderated by Clay County Cruisers President Jack Roberts before the 2014 May 20 primary election.

The first forum starting at 6:00 P.M. will be for the candidates running for Clay County Sheriff.

The second and last forum will start at 8:00 P.M. and will be for the candidates running for Clay County Judge Executive

ClayCoNews has contacted all the candidates either in person, through office staff and Facebook with the exception of two County Judge Executive candidates, Kevin Jackson and Clay Russell White.

As of now, there have been two (2) confirmations:

1. Clarence Sizemore - Candidate for Sheriff: "I am looking forward to being there, I hope my opponents feel the same."

2. Steve Mobley - Candidate for Clay County Judge Executive: "I'll be there."

Larry "Red" Smith - Candidate for Sheriff: "I'll try to attend but will have to check my schedule."

Also all local and area news media outlets are welcome to attend this very important forum.

Everyone that's interested in the future of Clay County and Manchester is encouraged to attend.

NOTE: If anyone knows how to contact Clay County Judge Executive candidates Kevin Jackson and Clay Russell White, please make them aware of Wednesday's event.


The "Face to Face" forums are only for candidates in the 2014 May 20 primary election and all have been contacted so far with the exception of the two not pictured below. Please make them aware of this event if you know them! Also these photos are all we have to work with, therefore, any of the candidates may provide ClayCoNews with a different photo and we'll be happy to replace the current one with it.


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