WCSD Press Release - The Whitley County Sheriff’s Department is thankful that deputies were able to rescue a local teacher from flood waters without any injuries.
Around 8:32 a.m. April 26, 2017, Whitley Co. E911 received a call from a female who had driven into a flooded portion of Hwy. 11 in Knox Co.
The driver, Monica Manning, of Williamsburg, rounded a curve and did not have time to react before her Dodge SUV entered the water. Manning remained on the phone with dispatcher while. Sergeant Todd Shelley Detective John Hill, Whitley Co. Emergency Management Director Danny Moses and members of the Woodbine and Patterson Creek fire departments responded.
Sgt. Shelley was connected to a rope and entered the moving waters. By the time he reached Manning, water had risen in the SUV up to the seats. She was removed from the vehicle, and he carried her over his shoulder through the cold water. The roadway was not barricaded and closed off.
This incident serves as an example of how important it is that drivers make proper authorities aware of potential dangers.
“The way the fire departments, EM Director Danny Moses, Sergeant Shelley and Detective Hill worked together is really commendable. The situation could’ve been a lot worse.” – Sheriff Colan J. Harrell