Pictured for the awards presentation is: Left to right - Laurel County Sheriff John Root, National Sheriffs Association president Sheriff Harold Eavenson (Rockwall County Texas), Laurel Sheriff's Detective Jason Back, Laurel Sheriff's Maj. Rodney VanZant, and
the Kentucky Sheriff's Association President-Sheriff Kevin Corman (Jessamine County Sheriff).
Sheriff John Root is reporting that: 3 deputies from the Laurel County Sheriff's Office received the Kentucky Sheriff's Association highest award this week at the annual Kentucky Sheriff's Association conference in Bowling Green.
Maj. Rodney VanZant, Detective Sgt. Kevin Berry, and Detective Jason Back received the Kentucky Sheriff's Association "Medal of Honor" award. The award was presented regarding a suicidal subject that Laurel County deputies responded to. When deputies arrived at the scene the suspect fired at responding officers who returned fire in self-defense.