
Laurel County Sheriff's Office 2017 Activity Report

Sheriff John Root

Laurel Sheriff John Root is reporting that: the Laurel County Sheriff's Office, deputies, detectives and staff had a busy, active year in 2017. There were a total of 21,854 calls for service. This total reflects an increase of 786 more calls for service than last year.

Attached is a listing of the more significant calls for service:

  • alarms – 2434
  • escorts(including funeral escorts) -144
  • serving warrants and civil process – 1423
  • traffic crashes investigated - 1819
  • burglary and thefts -1003
  • speak to deputy – 832
  • suspicious persons – 593
  • checking on the well-being of persons – 639
  • domestic violence complaints – 675
  • extra patrol requests – 552
  • prisoner and mental instability transports – 560
  • medical emergencies – 233
  • DUI complaints – 478
  • drug complaints- 211
  • suicidal subjects – 199
  • prowler complaints – 159
  • missing persons – 278
  • assaults – 136
  • robbery – 15
  • kidnapping – 4
  • rape - 6
  • Death Investigations - 6
  • murder –1
  • fatal traffic crashes – 5
  • Total calls for Service for 2017------------21,854

    ***Please note that the totals do not include cases or investigations where victims came to the Sheriff's Office to report a crime or complaint.

    **Sheriff John  Root stated that Laurel County citizens can expect the same level of professional, courteous service on a daily basis from the Laurel County Sheriff's office.

    There will be a continued emphasis on drug investigations and the "War on Drugs" will continue.


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