
Farm Bill to Bolster Struggling Agriculture Communities

Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks Thursday, June 14, 2018 on the Senate floor regarding the farm bill and the Hemp Farming Act of 2018:

Yesterday, I was proud to join my colleagues on the Senate Agriculture Committee to approve a landmark farm bill. Under the fair and bipartisan leadership of Chairman Roberts, our committee has produced a bill that will bolster struggling agriculture communities.

“Speaking for my home state of Kentucky, agriculture is part of who we are. Kentucky farm families produce everything from poultry to soybeans. This legislation will assist them, encourage economic growth, and increase investment in rural communities. This farm bill also includes a bipartisan provision I crafted with Senator Wyden to legalize industrial hemp.

“At present, with just a few limited exceptions, our federal government bans domestic hemp production. Never mind that this is a completely different plant than its illicit cousin. Never mind that American consumers are already buying hemp products, everything from clothing to auto parts…they’re just imported from foreign producers.

“Federal law has mostly prohibited our own farmers from getting in on the action. It’s time to remove the roadblocks and let American farmers explore this growing market. This has long been a priority of mine. I championed hemp pilot programs in the 2014 farm bill. They’ve shown big success. It’s time to take the next step.

“Again, I’d like to thank the Chairman and Ranking Member for their leadership. I was proud to join the overwhelming bipartisan majority that voted the farm bill out of committee yesterday morning, and I look forward to taking it up here on the floor in the next few weeks.”


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