
McConnell: Democrats Threaten to Block Funding for Our Servicemembers

'The Democratic Leader, Senator Schumer, said at a press conference yesterday that his party intends to filibuster funding for our armed forces. Democrats have plenty of time and energy for their three-year-old journey to impeach this president. But they can't get to yes on funding our servicemembers. That's about as clear a statement of priorities as you get in this town.'

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the need to fund our armed forces:

"Tomorrow the Senate will vote on funding for the national defense. It will offer a test for our Democratic colleagues: Will their party's impeachment obsession crowd out even the most basic governing responsibilities?

"And unfortunately, it seems we may already have our answer. The Democratic Leader, Senator Schumer, said at a press conference yesterday that his party intends to filibuster funding for our armed forces.

"Democrats have plenty of time and energy for their three-year-old journey to impeach this president. But they can't get to yes on funding our servicemembers. That's about as clear a statement of priorities as you get in this town.

"Just a few days ago, U.S. special forces executed a daring mission and took out the founder of ISIS. It was the clearest possible reminder that the national security of the United States and the missions of our servicemembers do not pause for partisan politics.

"But less than a week later, for political purposes, Senate Democrats say they'll refuse to secure future funding for those very missions.

"Washington Democrats have talked up a storm in recent days, criticizing the Trump administration's approach to Syria and the Middle East. Lots of talk. But apparently, they are not concerned enough about the Middle East and fighting ISIS to actually vote for the funding that keeps those missions going.

"And consider this, if Democrats filibuster this defense funding as they have threatened to, they will literally be filibustering the exact kind of military assistance for Ukraine over which they are trying to impeach the president.

"Let me say that again. This legislation is what appropriates the money for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. Precisely the program that Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump for supposedly slow-walking. And yet, tomorrow, right here in the Senate, they say they're going to filibuster funding for that exact same program. Only in Washington D.C.

"They want to impeach the president for delaying assistance to Ukraine while they block funding for that program themselves.

"I would say it's unbelievable, except this is what's actually happening. We know that our Democratic colleagues do not have a great affinity for President Trump. But the country cannot afford for Democrats in Congress to take a one-year vacation from any productive legislation just because they'd rather obsess over impeachment.

"ISIS and other radical terrorists are not going to hit 'pause' because Democrats won't fund the U.S. military.




"Strategic competitors like Russia and China are not going to hit 'pause' because Democrats would rather hurt the White House than fund our military commanders.

"Congress needs to do our work. We need to fund our armed forces. Tomorrow's vote will tell us which senators are ready to do it."



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