

Kentucky League of Cities Presents Senate President Robert Stivers with 2019 ‘Friend of Kentucky Cities’ Award

CORBIN, KY (December 16, 2019) – The Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) presented Senator Robert Stivers (R-Manchester) with a 2019 “Friend of Kentucky Cities” award Monday night at the Corbin Board of Commissioners meeting.  The “Friend of Kentucky Cities” award is given to legislators who perform outstanding work that positively impacts cities across the state. 

Sen Stivers FOC Award Corbin

Corbin Mayor Suzie Razmus, City Manager Marlon Sams, members of the Corbin Board of Commissioners, KLC Executive Director/CEO J.D. Chaney and KLC Director of Governmental Affairs Bryanna Carroll present Senate President Robert Stivers (R-Manchester) with a 2019 “Friend of Kentucky Cities” award at the Corbin Board of Commissioners meeting on December 16.

“I believe in advocating for legislation that focuses on improving the well-being of citizens in our local communities, especially those in the 25th District,” remarked Senator Stivers. “Cities play a crucial role in the success of our state, so it is important that we give them the opportunity to grow and thrive. I would like to thank the League of Cities for this award, and I look forward to supporting legislation that bolsters our local communities in next year’s legislative session.”

As Senate President, Stivers played a key role in ensuring KLC initiatives and supported bills moved through the Senate. Additionally, he sponsored Senate Bill 7, a KLC initiative that restores to employers the option to require arbitration, mediation or alternative dispute resolution agreements as a condition of employment.

“The provisions of Senate Bill 7 will provide cost savings and expedite the process of solving disputes for both employees and employers,” said KLC Executive Director/CEO J.D. Chaney. “A Kentucky Supreme Court decision had left Kentucky as the only state in the country without such an arbitration law. We appreciate Senate President Stivers’ willingness to work with us to correct the issue.”

KLC Director of Governmental Affairs Bryanna Carroll praised Senate President Stivers for his commitment to cities. “He is always willing to sit down and talk with us about the top issues facing cities,” she stated. “He understands the important role cities play in the state’s growth and success, and we appreciate the fact that he is a strong advocate for local governments and home rule.”

Founded in 1927, the Kentucky League of Cities is a membership association of more than 370 cities across the commonwealth. 



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