

CCN Editorial: Keeping America Great!!

Trump acquitted

United States President Donald J. Trump victorious following impeachment trial

MANCHESTER, KY (CCN Staff Report) - President Donald J. Trump delivered a remarkable State of the Union Address on February 4, 2020 amid a contentious period of impeachment hearings, but made very clear that his agenda has been and always will be, America First! The United States Senate, under the oversight of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, completed the impeachment proceedings with a full acquittal of President Trump on February 5, 2020. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky forcefully defended the President and led the senate masterfully as they completed a roll call vote to acquit the President of both articles of impeachment as submitted by the partisan House of Representatives.

President Trump Official Portrait 175

The President took the opportunity on Tuesday night to address the American people and to exclaim the major achievements made over the last three years. Trump's economic agenda has achieved extraordinary results for both working families and American businesses. Tax reform rates have been reduced which increases take home pay for working women. Over 7 million of new jobs have been created and the "Blue Collar Boom" as it has been called shows that the largest increase in wages are being enjoyed by the lower educated and the lowest 10% of the workforce. Additionally, and with historic precedence African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American are enjoying the lowest recorded unemployment rates ever. Youth unemployment is down, female workers and veteran employment is up, while the number of working Americans is at it highest level ever recorded. Trump has been signaling that he would like to develop another tax cut for working families in a second term. These economic initiatives have spurred solid gains in the GDP above 2% consistently as well as record high stock market returns that benefit 401k holders, various retirement programs that are invested, as well as increasing U.S wealth by trillions.

President Trump has equally been working to provide for national sovereignty and border security by allocating funds to build a border wall system to prevent drug smuggling and human trafficking as well as illegal immigration. He has worked collaboratively with Mexican leaders to increase security at their southern border that has been steadily infiltrated by immigrant caravans from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. The Office of Homeland Security anticipates nearly 500 miles of new construction of border wall systems by the end of 2020. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol have been working tirelessly to secure the sovereign border of the United States. Together they have arrested, detained, and removed hundreds of MS-13 gangsters all across America that have been responsible for countless crimes such as drug and human trafficking, assault, rapes, and many brutal murders.

The Trump Doctrine has been well established in that he does not seek nation building activities and will actively negotiate peace with historic adversaries. He has ordered strategic strikes in Syria, the elimination of Al Baghdadi the Iraqi-born leader of the Islamic State and the preeminent terrorist Soleimani of Iran. He fulfilled the promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Facilitated the NATO partners increase in military funding support for their mutual defense. Trump with congressional Republican support has invested to rebuild the military and enhance readiness to respond to potential foreign conflicts.

Mr. Trump has provided important solutions to long standing problems with the Second Chance Act. This landmark criminal justice reform will help hundreds of families to reunited with a chance to rebuild stable, law-abiding lives. The Opportunity Zones, led by Senator Scott, provides for massive private and public investments into struggling communities that will help families move from dire poverty to more prosperity. Millions have been moved from welfare to work and off the food stamp rolls under the Trump economy. Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary has led initiatives to increase home ownership with more affordable housing. President Trump has secured significant funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). These empowering initiatives have been well received by affected communities all across America.

America is the worlds number one producer of oil and natural gas and is a net exporter and is energy secure based upon Trump's policies. He provided increased access to healthcare for veterans while holding the VA more accountable for their quality of care for our veterans. He has worked to increase research funding to solve the HIV disease as well as enhanced funding to fight the opiate drug epidemic. Additionally, Trump passed the "Right to Try" which allows terminally ill patients to use trial and novel drugs to treat their diseases.​

The President has led a Pro-Life Agenda with no hesitation and decries the practices of late-term abortion. Trump offers a positive view that every life is a precious gift from God. He supports freedom of speech, religion, and the right to keep and bear arms. He has established himself as a bulwark against those who would reduce or eliminate personal American liberties. The President with the steadfast support of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky has worked methodically to fill federal court vacancies with well over 100 district and circuit judges and 2 supreme court justices: Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. President Donald J. Trump has made and kept promises and continues to make and Keep America Great!


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