

COVID-19 Update for Clay, Jackson, and Rockcastle County, KY


Manchester, KY (April 27, 2020) - As of 4:00 PM, April 27th CVDHD reports one new confirmed case of COVID-19 in Rockcastle County and one new confirmed case in Jackson County.

Jackson County:

  • Total cases 58
  • Total deaths 6
  • Total currently hospitalized 5
  • Total recovered 11

Jackson Manor:

  • 52 total cases

Jackson Manor residents:

  • Total cases 39
  • 5 currently hospitalized
  • 6 deaths

Jackson Manor staff:

  • 13 total cases among staff who are residents of Jackson County
  • 10 recovered

Not associated with Jackson Manor:

  • 6 total cases
  • 1 recovered

Clay County continues to report no confirmed cases, although there are some individuals who have come in contact with cases in other counties and are currently completing fourteen-day quarantines.

Case totals by county are updated on the Cumberland Valley District Health Department website:


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