

Farmers, Producers in Kentucky and across the Nation can now Apply for the USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)

McConnell: 'Kentucky's farmers can receive the assistance necessary to continue feeding our country and the world'

McConnell Cares Act 350

Senator McConnell introduced the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act

mitch mcconnell 125WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) applauded an announcement from President Donald Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to deliver $16 billion of direct relief to American producers, including Kentucky farmers, through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Between May 26 and August 28, farmers can submit applications through their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office for the CFAP to help cover losses incurred by the coronavirus pandemic. The federal funding was made available by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Senator McConnell introduced the CARES Act, which became the largest economic rescue package in history, and led it to enactment in about a week.

Individual producers can receive up to $250,000 to help make ends meet to face this crisis. The full list of eligible commodities and additional program details are available at

"Kentucky farmers don't need to be told their work is essential. They know their tireless labor is critical to meeting the needs of families across the country," said Senator McConnell. "As the only congressional leader not from New York or California, I'm constantly working to keep a national focus on farm families and rural communities, especially those in Kentucky. I'm proud the CARES Act is helping deliver the support our producers need to overcome the challenges of the coronavirus crisis. With strong partners in President Trump, Secretary Perdue and Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Quarles, Kentucky's farmers can receive the assistance necessary to continue feeding our country and the world."

"Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Kentucky's 75,000 family farms have continued their work to produce food, fiber, and fuel for the nation even while markets for agricultural goods have experienced major disruptions," said Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Ryan Quarles. "During a time of incredible economic turmoil, all Kentuckians should be grateful for the steady and constant leadership of Senator Mitch McConnell. Our hardworking Kentucky farmers need assistance and these funds, secured by Leader McConnell's CARES Act, cannot come soon enough. In his position as Senate Majority Leader, Senator McConnell continues to deliver for Kentucky."

"With today's announcement that direct assistance through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) will soon be available, farm families across Kentucky will have some much needed assurance as they continue to provide for our nation's food supply in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney. "I can't thank Leader McConnell enough for his persistence in getting the CARES Act passed that provided funding for CFAP, and his constant dedication to our agriculture industry."

In a previous coronavirus response bill that President Trump signed into law, Congress provided additional flexibility to USDA to purchase commodities for emergency distribution.

In addition to these federal funds, the CARES Act has had an $11 billion impact in Kentucky so far. Senator McConnell's legislation has delivered $3.4 billion in relief to address urgent housing, transportation, healthcare, education and economic development priorities. His legislation also created the Paycheck Protection Program, which is helping nearly 44,000 Kentucky small businesses access over $5 billion in loans to keep their lights on and employees on payroll. Kentucky families have also received more than $3.2 billion in Economic Impact Payments from the U.S. Treasury.



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