

Unexpected & Unwelcome Midnight Visitor leaves Neighborhood on a Rural Road in Clay County, Ky. Uneasy

MANCHESTER, KY (October 24, 2020) - Homowners on a county road off Highway 80 in Clay County are reporting that: A BEAR was in our garbage cans around midnight Friday night, October 23, 2020.

Sherri Peracchio of Curry Branch Road said "My son was the first to see it knock over one can, so he got his brother and then they woke me up.

Mike not happy 10 24 20

Mike Peracchio "I'm not all that happy doing cleanup for a bear but really thankful there was hardly any damage!"

FUR thinking bout it

When I looked out the window, the bear was in the shadows of our pine trees and had garbage strewn all along the fence. It walked back over and started dragging a plastic bag.

We didn't see the bear anymore, but the remnants of his midnight garbage can shenanigans remained.

All week long, my little dogs and mother's little dog had been looking into the woods behind my house and on the side of mother's house barking their little heads off. Now I'm thinking that's what they've been barking at all week!"

Mike Peracchio remarked "I did have the yard looking good and wasn't very happy cleaning up all that but it really could have been much worse so I feel that all in all we're really blessed"

Neighbors to the Peracchios stated that their dogs had been very fidgety and barking endlessly for several hours throughout the evening.

"Incidents like this are quite unsettling, you never know what to expect when large wild animals start getting so close to your homes" said another neighbor.


kentucky department of fish and wildlife logo

From the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife

If You Encounter a Bear

While black bears can be tolerant of people, they should always be treated as the wild animals they are, whether in a residential or backcountry area. Black bears are rarely aggressive towards people and typically go out of their way to avoid contact. As human development continues and bear numbers increase, however, interactions will be unavoidable.

Following these simple guidelines will minimize any unnecessary and potentially dangerous encounters.

  • Never approach a bear!
  • Black bears are extremely powerful animals whose behaviors can be unpredictable.
  • Black bears are very curious animals and this should not be confused with aggression.
  • If a bear approaches you in the wild, it is likely only trying to assess your presence.
  • Bears will often stand upright to obtain a better sense of smell.
  • If you see a black bear from a distance, alter your route of travel.
  • When camping in bear country, keep all food stored in a vehicle or away from tents.
  • If approached by a bear- stand your ground, raise your arms to appear larger, and yell until it leaves the area.
  • Never run from a bear! This will often trigger its natural instinct to chase.
  • If a black bear attacks, fight back aggressively and do not play dead!

If cornered or threatened, bears may slap the ground, “pop” their jaws, or “huff” as a warning. If you see those behaviors you are too close! Slowly back away while facing the bear at all times. Notify the KDFWR immediately if you witness aggressive behavior by black bears!


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