

With 50 new COVID-19 positive tests Inmates are now isolated "Positive with Positive" in one Kentucky jail

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MANCHESTER, KY (November, 7, 2020) - UPDATE: Clay County Jailer Linda Smallwood said "I promised to keep you updated on the virus at the detention center. To be honest I was a little hesitant after some negative comments I got. I can’t control the virus no more than Donald Trump could control it all over the United States. 

Linda Smallwood 200Thank you for your prayers, every positive word, ever text, ever word of encouragement. We done another round of testing and the results are showing 50 new positives.

The inmates are now isolated positive with positive.

Keep in mind it is impossible to stay six feet apart. We have more room to isolate now and praying we will heal and get all negative results at some point.

There are no inmates having severe symptoms. We are monitoring symptoms closely. We are supplying Tylenol, cough drops, and other over the counter meds free to any inmate that has symptoms.

With this experience I have found that we are fighting an unseen enemy, dodging trying to miss the effects of the virus.

The majority of people have no symptoms at all. I sincerely feel I took every precaution to keep the virus out. I had success for seven months.

I prayed for protection for the inmates and the families of my employees.

I would like to thank my staff for for being faithful and standing with me. Many of you have worked many hours of overtime. You put yourself at risk and your family.

This to shall pass!"


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