

Kentucky Attorney General Cameron, Pro-life Advocates & State Legislators Discuss the Upcoming Argument before the U.S. Supreme Court on Case Involving Kentucky’s Law Prohibiting Live Dismemberment Abortion

Abortion baby concept

Symbolic victim of Live Dismemberment, a gruesome form of abortion that extinguishes the life of an unborn child - (Stock photo by Olga Soloviova)

FRANKFORT, KY – On Wednesday, October 6, 2021 Attorney General Daniel Cameron joined pro-life advocates and state legislators to discuss the upcoming argument before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning his office’s ability to defend House Bill 454. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center, on October 12, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Daniel Cameron 200“Three years ago, the General Assembly passed HB 454 in recognition of the humanity of the unborn, and we’ve proudly defended it since taking office,” said Attorney General Cameron. “Kentuckians elected me to represent the Commonwealth’s interests in court, and next week we look forward to arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court for our ability to continue defending this important pro-life law.”

In 2018, the Kentucky General Assembly passed House Bill 454, also known as the Human Rights of Unborn Children Act, which requires abortion providers to perform dilation and evacuation abortions, commonly known as D&E procedures, in a more humane way.

The ACLU immediately challenged the constitutionality of the law on behalf of a Kentucky abortion clinic and two abortion providers. In 2019, a federal judge struck down the law, and the case was appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. After taking office in December 2019, Attorney General Cameron defended the law before the Sixth Circuit on behalf of newly elected Governor Andy Beshear, and the Sixth Circuit ruled against the law in a divided vote.

After Governor Beshear declined to continue defending House Bill 454, Attorney General Cameron filed a motion to intervene in the case. When the Sixth Circuit denied the motion, Attorney General Cameron asked the United States Supreme Court to hear the case.

Attorney General Cameron was joined at Wednesday's press conference by legislators and pro-life leaders.

Robert Stivers 200

“It is the right of the members of the General Assembly, as the policymakers, to choose who we want to defend in court the laws we pass,” said Robert Stivers, Senate President (right).  “The Constitution grants the legislature the authority to prescribe by law what the policies of this state are, and we have determined that the Attorney General should serve in that role. The issue in HB 454, the rights of the unborn, is important to us as legislators, and I thank General Cameron for representing the General Assembly in the United States Supreme Court.” 

“General Cameron, from day one vowed to defend the laws of our Commonwealth, and he has not wavered in his promise,” said Addia K. Wuchner, Executive Director, Kentucky Right to Life and a former state representative. “As we stood on the steps of the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio, he pledged his commitment to defend the ban on live dismemberment abortions to the US Supreme Court, if necessary. As the author and sponsor of HB 454, I am proud of the men and women I served with in the Kentucky General Assembly, and especially those members who boldly voted in 2018 to put an end to this particularly gruesome form of abortion that extinguishes the life of an unborn child.”

“It is time for the violence of abortion to be stopped, and it’s time for Kentucky and our Commonwealth to be recognized as a defender of life and peace,” said Nancy Tate, State Representative and Chair of the Legislative Pro-Life caucus.

“HB 454 underscores the sanctity and value of life, and it is commonsense legislation,” said Angela Minter, President of Sisters for Life.  “I appreciate Attorney General Cameron for taking the step to go to the United States Supreme Court and fight to continue defending this important law.”

On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, Attorney General Cameron’s team will appear before the United States Supreme Court to defend the Commonwealth's sovereign interests by arguing for the ability to defend House Bill 454. 

To listen to the oral argument live, visit the Supreme Court’s website and select the “Live Audio Icon” under quick links on the homepage.


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