

South Dakota State Official: Prepare For Winter Weather Now

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PIERRE, S.D. – Winter has started to make its presence known in South Dakota already this year, and state officials say now is the time to prepare for winter weather.

Wednesday, Oct. 27, is Winter Weather Awareness Day in South Dakota. The South Dakota Department of Public Safety and its Office of Emergency Management say the public needs to be ready.

“Take the time now to prepare your homes and vehicles for winter because after a winter storm starts, it is too late,” said Tina Titze, director of the Office of Emergency Management. “By preparing now, you can be ready when the cold and snow actually begin.”

For tips on winter weather preparation, check out the OEM winter weather guide at

OEM children’s mascot Tommy the Turtle is featured in a book for children regarding winter preparedness. It is available at

The Office of Emergency Management is part of the South Dakota Department of Public Safety.



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