

The Clay County Sheriff's Office in Manchester, KY teams up with Citizens for Children's "Living the Dream" Christmas Event

MANCHESTER, KY (ClayCoNews) - Last Friday Clay County Cruisers VP Jonathan Butler acted on an idea that had been nagging at him for quite some time, he had already mentioned it to several friends and every single time the feedback had been positive. This weekend Jonathan is in shock at how quick his idea caught on with Clay Countains and overnight "Living the Dream" became a reality for children in Clay County to look forward to this Christmas season.   

CRUISER Skylar Jonathan Justin 2022 Dreams

Skylar, Jonathan and Justin with a CCSO Sheriff's Cruiser chocked full of DREAMS for children in Clay County

What was the idea that instantly "snowballed"?  Jonathan told ClayCoNews that: "On a daily basis nearly everyone I meet asks me "how're you doing today?" and I always reply "Living the Dream", so due to all the recent flooding and other day to day hardships a lot of Clay County residents are currently facing, I started to think that despite everything the Clay County Cruisers have already done with this years Halloween Bash for children and the upcoming 2022 "Shop with a Cop" event, still, not every child is going to be be "Living the Dream" this holiday season, therefore, a "Cram the Cruiser" event could really add a much needed boost to the Shop with a Cop program this year.

"I got in contact with the Clay County Sheriff's Office and requested a cruiser for a Cram the Cruiser event.  Clay County Sheriff Patrick Robinson was happy to send it."

"Last Sunday (first day of the event), Clay County Sheriff's Deputy Dewey Grubb brought a CCSO cruiser for the affair and dropped it off at the Family Dollar located beside Save-A-Lot in Fall Rock."

"Shout-Out to Family Dollar for agreeing to allow me space for the vehicle at their store!"

"Beyond my wildest expections, countless donations began to pour in throughout the week and the Cruiser that I was hoping to cram with dreams for children is now Jam-Packed with "Living the Dream" gifts....

At the time of this release a roll back driven by Keith Smith of Smith Towing is delivering the "Dream Cruiser" to be a participant in the parade to display the CRAMMED CRUISER."

Cruiser Full of Dreams

"Dream Cruiser" on the way to participant in the parade

"If you are reading this before the parade ends on Saturday the 10th you can still donate toward the project at the Fall Rock Family Dollar where the cruiser has been located for this event"


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