

BREAKING: Latinos for America First Launches National Campaign to Mobilize Latino Voters and Protect America’s Future

Latinos for America First Launches Historic GOTV Campaign in Swing States 10,000 Spanish speaking doors knocked in less than 7 days!!

PASADENA, TEXAS – Latinos for America First, led by President Bianca Gracia, has officially launched a bold national campaign to mobilize Latino voters in key battleground states ahead of the 2024 elections.

With a mission to engage and empower the Latino community, the organization is fighting against the open-border policies that are devastating American cities, as well as the political elite who have put donors over voters for far too long.

Born out of the crisis at the southern border, Latinos for America First aims to bring attention to the real issues facing Latino communities: the infiltration of drug cartels, human trafficking, and violent gangs. These are problems the mainstream media refuses to cover and the political left chooses to ignore.

“Our people are being sold out for a paycheck,” said Bianca Gracia, President of Latinos for America First. “The left’s open-border agenda has unleashed chaos in our communities, and we’re tired of being used as political pawns. We’re here to take action, reclaim our voice, and fight for the future of America" - Bianca Gracia

The organization’s grassroots efforts have already seen massive success, with teams of volunteers knocking on over 10,000 latinos and spanish speaking doors in battleground states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina in just the last week alone. These efforts focus on voter registration, rallying Latino support for America First policies, and mobilizing the community to get out and vote.

“Our goal is to knock on 1 million doors by Election Day,” Gracia added. “We’re sending a powerful message—Latinos will no longer sit back and watch our country be destroyed. We’re fighting for our families, our values, and the American Dream.”

Latinos for America First is committed to being a strong voice for the Latino community and ensuring that its members are active participants in the political process. The organization is calling on all patriots to stand with them in their mission to Save America.

For more information on Latinos for America First and how to get involved or donate Donate HERE                                                                                           


Bianca Gracia, President Latinos for America First 

Latinos for America First


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