

Congressman Rogers of Kentucky Selected for Leadership Advisory Team on Cuba

WASHINGTON, DC (July 21, 2021) -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) has been selected by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy to serve as a member of the Leader's Advisory Team on Cuba.

The group will advise House Republicans on the ongoing freedom protests and government atrocities in Cuba, develop policies to ensure the United States stands in solidarity with the Cuban freedom movement, and educate the American people on the tyranny of the communist regime in Havana.

"We cannot turn a blind eye to the abuses of human rights in Cuba. This is another grave reminder of why the United States should continue to stand against the debilitating socialist principles of a Communist regime where individuals are tortured and murdered for opposing oppression," said Congressman Rogers, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations. "I am honored to be a part of Leader McCarthy's advisory team and it is my goal to hold this Communist regime accountable for their inhumane practices and to support the brave Cubans who are fighting for their lives and their freedom." 

"The world has witnessed powerful images coming out of Cuba in recent days. With thousands of Cubans in more than 40 cities and small towns taking to the streets, the protests mark a historic moment in a society whose Communist system has oppressed its citizens for more than 60 years," said Leader McCarthy. "The Cuban people are risking everything to free themselves, their families, their country, and their futures from their socialist prison. For 62 years, we have stood with them in support of their desire for liberty and self-determination. As the situation in Cuba reaches a turning point, we must stand unequivocally with Cuba's brave freedom fighters. They need our robust support, not weak rhetoric."

Congressman Rogers also signed a joint letter urging leaders of Democratic states to take action in support of the Cuban people and their democratic aspirations. The letter outlines a number of essential actions that must be taken to hold the Communist regime accountable. 

In a sign of solidarity, Congressman Rogers also cosponsored a bipartisan House resolution (H.Res. 529) standing for the Cuban people and their struggle for freedom, democracy, and human rights.

The resolution specifically states "the Communist regime in Cuba has advanced a violent system of censorship, detention, torture and murder of political opponents, repression of pro-Democracy efforts, and severe restrictions on movement and emigration."

It also declares "the Cuban people are entitled to a representative government that fundamentally respects freedom, democracy, and human rights" and resolves that "the House of Representatives stands in solidarity with the people of Cuba and their fight to achieve freedom, democracy, and human rights."

The following individuals will serve on the Leader's Advisory Team:

  • Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25)

  • Rep. Carlos Gimenez (FL-26)

  • Rep. Maria Salazar (FL-27)

  • Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11)

  • Rep. Alex Mooney (WV-02)

  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH-16)

  • Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon (PR-AL)

  • House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking Member Devin Nunes (CA-22)

  • House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Mike McCaul (TX-10)

  • House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy Rodgers (WA-05)

  • House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Kay Granger (TX-12)

  • Rep. Mark Green (TN-07)

  • Rep. Hal Rogers (KY-05)

  • Rep. Ken Calvert (CA-42)

  • Rep. Victoria Spartz (IN-05)

  • Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04)

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work in Washington and at home in Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District, visit and follow him on social media.

Click here to download a copy of the joint letter. 

Click here to read H. Res. 529.


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