Patricia Gibson was born on February 3, 1957, and passed on February 7, 2025. You were our Mommy, Momma, Granny, Granny Pat, Patti and Patti cake, and we are going to miss you for the rest of our lives.
You raised five kids of your own, but many more called you Mom, and many more lived with us growing up who you took care of. You would have single handed fought a lion to keep all of us safe.
You taught us to stand up and protect the people we care for.
You were on the fire department and ran into places when everyone else was trying to run out. You had courage enough for a dozen, and you taught us this courage.
You rescued every stray cat and dog that we can remember, you doctored them, fed them, kept them safe and gave them a good home. Because of you, all of your kids know empathy and loves animals.
You loved and defended your kids, and we always knew we were loved. You spoiled your grand babies rotten and you got to meet and love your great grand baby. You loved your sons-in-law like they were your own. We could write and talk forever about all the ways you took care of us through the years. Because of the love you showed, we learned to love too.
Our Mommy is survived by her children: Beth and husband Bubby Cox, Adam Gibson, Oakie Gibson, Peggy and husband John DeHart. Ricky Wells, Paul Wells, Sebra Wells, Kevin Wells and James Gibson. She leaves behind her grandchildren Ryan and wife Danielle Cox, McKinley and wife Shelby Cox, and Brooklyn Hudson Gibson. She also leaves behind her great grandson Remington Cox.
She leaves behind her brothers Jimmy Deaton, Carl Deaton, sisters Janet, Betty, Mary and Edith. She also leaves behind several nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family and friends and friend Joyce Couch.
She was proceeded in death by her husband Oakley, her son Junior, daughter Carla Janette, her grandson Michael Blake, and sisters Billie, Martha, Joann, and brothers Donald, Roger and Junior. She is also proceeded in death by her Mommy and Daddy: Etta and Burkey Deaton and mother and father Alicee and Clarence Barger Jr.
We will love and miss you forever Mommy.
A Memorial Service will be held at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, February 12th at Britton Funeral Home.
Visitation will be held from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Wednesday, February 12th at Britton Funeral Home.