


Big Four Bridge Louisville during Covid 650

The Big Four Bridge crossing the Ohio River between Louisville and Jeffersonville had few pedestrians during pandemic lockdown

Opinion Editorial by Melissa Martin, Ph.D.

On August 4, the Biden administration declared the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency in the U.S.

Will Dr. Anthony Fauci use monkeypox as an excuse to lockdown America again?

Will Gov. Andy Beshear mandate another lockdown in Kentucky?

Melissa Martin Ph.D. 200The World Health Organization (WHO) pulled the red alarm switch on July 23rd and declared the monkeypox outbreak is a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC). Visit  


Let me remind you that recently Team Biden tried to sign over healthcare emergencies to the WHO, but they failed. And a pandemic is considered an emergency. Does WHO want the universal power to dictate their own policies on worldwide healthcare? Yes.  

“Tedros made the declaration despite a lack of consensus among members of the WHO’s emergency committee on the monkeypox outbreak, and in so doing overruled his own review panel, who had voted 9 against and 6 for declaring the PHEIC,” according to Dr. Robert Malone M.D., M.S. in a recent article for The Defender on the Children’s Health Defense website at  https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/monkeypox-moneypox-world-health-organization-public-health-emergency/. 

Let me remind you about WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He is a Marxist activist and politician from Ethiopia installed by the Chinese Communist Party to his current capacity position at WHO. Yes, I find that interesting.  

Let me remind you about Dr. Malone. He is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. 

Is fear-mongering being used with monkeypox?  

New York City Lockdown Covid pandemic

New York City - View of empty streets and sidewalks in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan during the 2020 pandemic lockdown

According to The New York Post Editorial Board, “Monkeypox ‘panic’ is overblown and failing…But no-one — mercifully — appears to be paying attention. Why? We’ve been inoculated (so to speak) by our experience of COVID overreaction. The past two years saw massive, unprecedented changes in America in the name of public health. We closed schools, inflicting lasting damage on kids. Businesses choked off, destroying lives and livelihoods. Funerals, graduations, birthdays: forbidden, missed and ignored.” Visit https://nypost.com/2022/07/16/monkeypox-panic-is-overblown-and-failing/.  

History of monkeypox 

Monkeypox was first found in 1958 and first discovered in humans in 1970 in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Vaccines and antiviral medications that treat the infection already exist. Visit https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-history-of-monkeypox-180980301/. 

What did we learn from the COVID lockdown? 

A 2022 study from Johns Hopkins found that lockdowns, mandatory masks, and social distancing had little to no effect on Covid mortality rates. Steve Hanke, a founder of the Johns Hopkins School of Applied Economics, spoke out against his university and the mainstream media for not publicizing a study that found COVID lockdowns only reduced deaths by 0.2 percent. Visit https://sites.krieger.jhu.edu/iae/files/2022/01/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality.pdf. 

“Economists at the college carried out a meta-analysis and found that restrictions imposed in the spring of 2020 - including stay-at-home orders, compulsory masks and social distancing - only reduced COVID mortality by 0.2 percent. They warned that lockdowns caused 'enormous economic and social costs' and concluded that they were 'ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument' going forward.” Visit https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10471265/Johns-Hopkins-professor-blasts-college-media-downplaying-study-COVID-lockdowns.html. 

Of course, Hanke’s study is being criticized and dismissed among Fauci’s sciency comrades and by the fact-checkers of fib. Of course, mainstream media is not covering any alternative information. Of course, the White House spinners are spinning overtime. Citizens, are you connecting the dots?  

The time is now for citizens to contact their state representatives, governor, and attorney general to voice views to reject any future lockdown for monkeypox. Write a Letter to the Editor for your local newspaper. Kentuckians, wise up. Stand up. Speak up. 

About Melissa Martin, Ph.D.

Melissa Martin, Ph.D., is a freelance syndicated columnist published in various national and international newspapers. She is a semi-retired therapist, educator, and a freedom-loving citizen. Martin lives in the Tri-State area of OH, KY, WV. 



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