Commonwealth of Kentucky Labor Cabinet Top Accomplishments for 2017
The Kentucky Labor Cabinet's mission is to advance a well-trained workforce, protect the worker, compensate the injured, promote employer excellence, and ensure Kentucky's place as the hub of workplace innovation and distinction in America and around the world.
Department Accomplishments
Department of Workers' Claims
Division of Security and Compliance
102 companies were re-certified by auditors. One new applicant was approved for self-insurance (Thai Summit of Kentucky). In addition 42 medical reviews were conducted resulting in adjustments of $17,974,191.
Investigators conducted 9,236 investigations resulting in 626 citations being issued with $874,99734 collected in penalties. Post investigation 333 companies that did not have coverage obtained coverage.
Compliance processed 2,724 Notice of Rejection (Form 4), certified coverage for 131 coal companies, and 284 certifications for Judges and private attorneys.
Division of Claims Processing
The claims’ department is current in processing of all claims. There are no backlog of any sort.
In March 2016, the claims department had a back log of over 3,000 closed claims be audited. On top of the 3,000 claims, the department continued to receive approximately 500 closed claims per months to be audited. Between March 2016 to present, the claims department audited over 12,000 closed claims. The claims department is current (current defined as under 100 claims) and as of today, there are approximately 20 paper claims to be audited.
Division of Information Services
The Division of Information Services under the Department of Workers’ Claims recently underwent a reorg and is now part of The Division of Information Technology and Support Services within the Labor Cabinet and is no longer under the Department of Workers’ Claims.
Last year the Division received and processed 117,286 First Reports of Injury(FROIs) and 92,578 Subsequent Reports of Injury(SROIs). In regards to Proof of Coverage(workers comp) reporting the Division received and processed 566,720 transactions. From January 1st to December 1st Our Open Records Section brought in $524,147.23 for the various request services they provide.
Design, Development and Research Section
941 Total new users registered an account for LMS in 2017:
325 Total new registered Attorney accounts
180 Total new registered Attorney Support Staff accounts
139 Total new registered Court Reporters
297 Total new registered Others
6 Code Releases to Production with 208 total issues resolved in LMS application in 2017
Hired 1 new programmer this year.
Division of Specialist and Medical Services
New telephone system with call center configuration
Enhanced Request for Proposal (RFP). Ensures that the Physician Fee Schedule is the sole property of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Department of Workplace Standards
Division of Apprenticeship
3,148 Total Apprentices
183 Total Sponsors or Employers
First Inaugural Apprenticeship Summit in Louisville. This brought apprenticeship stakeholders together with business, education, and civic leaders from across the Commonwealth to discuss ways this proven training model can transform our state’s workforce. These goals are accomplished by: (1) providing a forum for businesses and education leaders to gather and exchange ideas; (2) delivering access to thought-provoking speakers; (3) and creating the opportunity for exceptional networking
Norton Healthcare - First Nursing Apprenticeship Program created in the Nation. This Student Nurse Apprenticeship Program is a paid apprenticeship that provides educational and clinical experiences over 12 to 18 months to prepare students for a registered nurse role after graduation. Eligible students include nurses who are in their junior year of a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing program or with one semester completed of an associate degree in nursing program.
The first of its kind in the region, this CNC Programming apprenticeship will enable area apprentices to begin a 4-year Computer Numerical Control (CNC) program at American Metal Works in Paintsville.
Another Eastern Kentucky Apprenticeship Program created with a three-year welding apprenticeship at Phillips Diversified in Annville.
OSH Education and Training
Identified 1,947 serious hazards saving $13,629,000 in potential fines and potentially exposing 50,633 employees.
Identified 845 other than serious hazards saving $1,690,000 in potential fines and potentially exposing 30,845 employees.
The number of recordable incidents per 100 full-time employees, Kentucky’s rate improved from 3.8 in 2014, 3.7 in 2015 down to 3.4. This is the lowest reported incident rate for nonfatal occupational injury and illnesses in the state’s history
The division conducted 272 consultative surveys in FY 2017 identifying and ensuring the abatement of 2,067 serious hazards. The division also conducted142 training courses and reached approximately 4,329 attendees in response to training requests from employers. All related to Occupational safety and health training.
OSH Compliance
FY 2017, “Citations Pending” have decreased exponentially, not only has this improved efficiency within the KY OSH Compliance Division, most importantly it expedites the enforcement “abatement” of violations, which keeps the citizens of the Commonwealth safer. By focusing on issuing citations prior to 120 days, (with exceptions ) this has shown to have caused approximately 85% of cases (from start to finish) to be completed within a 4 months period.
FY 2017, KY OSH Inspections found 61% of inspections were In-Compliance, up 17% from FY 2016 (44.3%).
Beginning March 1, 2017, KY OSH issued citations and verified abatements on 107 violations. These were unrelated to the alleged condition that brought KY OSH to the workplace (Un-programmed Inspections). These abatements potentially prevented injury impacting 1,672 Kentucky Employees. This figure is fluid due to the workflow of open cases, and this number is likely to increase over the coming months.
Division of Wage and Hour
Total Case Completed : 2,240
Total Collected: $1,814,963.92
Total Investigators: 12
Funding Commission
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis Fund was closed to new claims per legislation effective July 1, 2017.
Gordon Stammel, Computer Network Manager retired after 21 years.
Renee Haddix, Director of Audit and Collections retired after 23 years.
Office of Administrative Services
Among the twenty-eight Commonwealth employees selected for the Governor’s Minority Management Trainee Program (GMMTP), three Labor Cabinet employees (pictured above from left-to-right with Secretary Ramsey), Stephen Mason, Amy Truong and Nicole Whitlock, were chosen to participate in this two-year professional development program.
The Governor's Minority Management Trainee Program (GMMTP) is a flagship program designed in 1995 to provide guidance and leadership development opportunities for minority employees within our state government enterprise. GMMTP has garnered respect and attention from benchmark states, as a model for retaining and promoting minorities within government. This program will aide in developing individual potential to solve emerging workforce issues as they pertain to state government. GMMTP is a two year transformational leadership development program.