Clay County, Ky. (March 12, 2019) - Clay County Jailer Linda Smallwood is reporting that: "I just wanted to address a rumor I have been hearing for about a month. When I first heard it, I laughed and thought it was funny.
However, now that I’ve heard it from many people, including someone from another county, I have decided to address the rumor.
I am NOT resigning, period. I am sorry to bust some of the rumor starters bubbles..
I am not sick. I had a bad spell back in December with my blood pressure. But, I am alive and well!
In fact, I feel better than I have in a long time. Just because I get sick, don’t try and push me over in an early grave with your words.
I look forward to serving my county for many many many years to come.
I am healthy! I am blessed!"